Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Purge your anger!

Transfer of aggression is one emotion that most people tend to have inborn in them. When we are offended by someone, we tend to most times pour out ou

Are quarrels relationship-enhancers?

Some say, ‘What is a relationship without the occasional fireworks and sparks?’ The ‘you said’ ‘I said’ and the ‘you’ versus ‘me’ back and forth argum

Silence the voice of hate, stop prejudice in your kids

We tend to be prejudice towards those we feel are not of the same class as we are. At times this prejudice of ours is carried along into our marriages

Why shouldn’t women like money?

Is there any such thing as loving money too much or better still, as women loving money too much? If there is, why is it that when guys are hunting fo

Providing soft landing for criticism

How do you take criticism? Are you able to turn the negativity into a stepping stone or you are one of those who take it upon yourself to find a way t