Life Xtra

Life Xtra

On the joys and travails of marriage

‘MashaAllah, and how are you otherwise?’ I asked, sitting on the edge of her bed.  ‘Alhamdulillah, as well as one can be in the circumstances.’ She re

Which do you prefer: Blunt truth or white lie?

“I have lost it since I came to realise the truth. It has really been a big blow to me as I do not seem to be able to focus on anything again since I

Words you shouldn’t use on your kids

Unknowingly, as adults, they use words which do not come across as detrimental to them on their kids. This could lead to low self-esteem in the childr

Appreciate your gains

You should live your life with joy. It is also true that the joy you feel is life. Your attitude toward what you wish and expect governs the response

How resolute are your resolutions?

A new year, a new me! That is what everyone will be hoping for as the year draws to an end. Everywhere, people are already talking of New Year resolut