Life Xtra

Life Xtra

What kind of kids are you raising?

Many parents hardly want to believe that their child is spoilt, lacking manners or getting out of hand. They are in denial until the situation gets ou

Living victoriously over defeat

There are moments that feel like everything in life is basically meaningless and pointless, you feel on top of the world one day and the next you feel

The gift of talking

There are people who are master talkers and have carved a niche for themselves with talking or addressing people. These kind of people usually provoke

Your kid’s rebellious behaviour

Teenage rebellion has been around for hundreds of years, in fact, in a paper written by Dr. Scott J. Larson, president of the Massachusetts based juve

Can you handle the truth?

“I have lost it since I came to realize the truth. It has really been a big blow for me as I do not seem to be able to focus on anything again since I