Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Memories of “Minna `91” writers’ convention

The enthusiasm and interest that greeted Niger`s bid to host was premised on two major facts. One is members` general interest in the activities of th

Gossip: That destructive force of nature

Gossip has traditionally been related to women but funny enough, men tend to do it, too. A case of “what women can do, men can do even better,” if you

How to cope with change… and survive!

Many of us must have come face to face with many challenging events or situations we never bargained for. As they say ‘the only constant thing in life

How women ‘trick’ men to get what they want

A child when he knows he wants to get something from his parents will put up his behavior and do as he is told. He is even willing to go the extra mil

What’s trust all about, really?

Trust is so delicate that once broken it is hard to fix. Trust is a believed to be both emotional and logical acts, emotional in the sense that people