Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Is punishment in public right for children?

Parenting is not an easy task as there are no hard and fast rules about the dos and don’ts. While some prefer a particular method of parenting, others

Why single mothers need to be respected more

While waiting for my appointment in an office, two women conversed to the hearing of all about how a woman took the decision to opt out of her marriag

When secrets become a burden

We all have that friend we confide in whenever the need to talk arises. We tell them things we can’t tell our parents, siblings, and even spouses. We

Should family background influence choice of spouse?

There are variations of African sayings that ‘you don’t marry a person, you marry his/her entire family’, which invariably means that one’s family bac

How would you handle problematic in-laws?

If you watch Nigerian movies, you would have noticed the difficult in-laws recurring theme. Since films are expected to be a reflection of the society