Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Who would you support during misunderstandings, spouse or family?

When it comes to disputes between a family member and a spouse, one gets caught in the middle over whom to support. This issue has often thrown many f

Who should manage family finances?

Many homes face financial difficulties when it comes to management of family finances. Whether you are dating or married, addressing the issue of mone

Should money dictate love in marriage?

Most relationships these days are based on monetary gains and both sexes are guilty of it. We have seen women who say when the money is no more there;

What makes a good student, brain or school?

Being educated will require that we go to school, but then what makes a good student – the school or individual? LifeXtra takes a look. Paul Gad

Telling a secret when relationships go wrong

Most times, friends confide in us in their moments of despair, but what do we do with such secrets when we fall out with them? Do we turn around and b