Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Important factors to check for in a potential mate

Choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions one would ever make – more serious than getting a job, house or hanging out with

Always appreciate favours no matter what

Do you believe that you need to always show gratitude to someone who must have granted you a favour no matter how big/small or how long ago such favou

Don’t plant seed of discord in a marriage

Spouses constantly need to be reminded of marital vows which include that what God has joined together, no man should put asunder. However, on several

How do you handle criticism?

At some point in life, you will be criticized for one reason or the other. Sometimes it will be difficult to accept, but then it depends on your react

When did adoption become a sin?

A story went viral on social media recently after a man opted out of being the father of two boys he and his wife adopted over twenty years ago. The s