Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Finding excitement elsewhere, but for how long?

A young bride narrates her ordeal, “I am in my mid-twenties with a child. I got pregnant in my final year in school and had to marry the father

What does happiness mean to you?

Most people are of the opinion that happiness comes when they have lots of money. But then, the question they fail to ask themselves is what happens w

When did adoption become a sin?

A story went viral on social media recently after a man opted out of being the father of two boys he and his wife adopted over twenty years ago. 

Would you d.e.l.e.t.e your social media account to save your relationship?

A woman lies on her bed, facing the wall with her phone in her hands. The husband walks up to her and asks a question; but because she is deeply engro

Giving up your kids to please your wife

There is the saying that love is blind but in some cases, it can be easily said that love is wicked. How does one explain a man looking for a new home