Life Xtra

Life Xtra

When love is reciprocal

When it comes to selecting a prospective partner, we all have one desire: to love and be loved in return. But as we grow older and more matured, our d

Would you marry a younger guy?

Last week, we were reminded about the age difference between the French president and his wife, when he got cozy with an older counterpart, the Croati

Should educational background be a barrier in marriage?

Hali and Ana have been friends for as long as they could remember. Hali’s family could barely afford three square meals while they were growing

Handling a nagging partner

As couples settle down after their wedding, they realize that both of them might often disagree on how things are to be done around the house or in th

Forgive, yes: But can we truly forget?

We all get angry at some point with family, spouses, friends, siblings and colleagues. Most times, whatever offences they must have committed can easi