Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Should height be a determining factor when choosing a partner?

Height is mostly hereditary and as such, there’s not much one can do about being short or tall. However, in recent times, it is being considered

When all hope is lost

Were there times you lost all hope and instead dwelt on how unfortunate things had turned out for you in life? It is common for women to easily give u

Why do people operate multiple social media accounts?

It has become a trend to see people with two or more accounts on the same social media platform. This leaves a question: Why do people operate several

Coming out clean with the past

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your friend turns to be one of your enemies? Friends who you have told almost everything in life tur

Is gifting necessary on Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day is known for being the most romantic day in the Gregorian calendar. As the culture of gift giving grows yearly on this day, the