Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Home décor trends for 2018

2017 ends today a lot of few people are wondering what is in stock for them for 2018, it is very important to change the taste and look of your room t

Are bridal showers necessary?

These days, bridal showers are now seen as ways to provide a bride-to-be with gifts and take pictures, have fun and wish her the best in her ‘ne

Perseverance in marriage

It is a popularly held belief that marriage is not a bed of roses: it comes with its challenges. Therefore, a couple must find means to move on and ma

What makes a good student – School or the individual?

An old adage says ‘Knowledge is power’ and we acquire knowledge through education because it is a stepping-stone to success. Being educate

Why parents should invest in their children

Parents are required to lay the foundation for any responsible adult. The training they give to their children determines what they become in future.