Life Xtra

Life Xtra

When your spending habits hurt your marriage

When money is spent without transparency and proper accountability, a marriage could be threatened. So, at what point should a woman think twice about

Entries open for Saro-Wiwa Prize for Book Review

Entries are now open for the 2017 Ken Saro-Wiwa Prize for Book Review. This is in continuation of a legacy project that the Committee for Relevant Art

Book of Mormon sets new record for most expensive manuscript ever sold

Founding text of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints returned to followers of Joseph Smith for $35m The printer’s manuscript of the

How a small African figurine changed art

Folk art from Africa and the Pacific changed the modern world by pushing Western artists to be more confrontational, writes Fisun Güner. A small

Steve Biko centre launches book

 The book is about the trial which started in the Pretoria Supreme Court in 1975. It recounts the events building up to the arrest of the nine So