Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Overcoming negative comments

The world we live in is one full of condemnation, trials and very little commendation or encouragement. If some people aren’t trying to bring yo

Should ‘silent treatment’ be applied to relationships?

Isi and Shema were in a relationship for a year and six months. They were well known by their immediate families. Both of them seemed happy with the r

Respecting people’s right not to like you

Aisha Ahmed, 38, Banker: “If people don’t like you, well I have one question. Are they entitled to like you? Are they obliged to like you?

Would you keep a joint account with your spouse?

It is assumed and or generally claimed and accepted that money is one of the things that make the world go round. Money is used by everyone irrespecti

When responsibility abdication becomes a weapon

Marriages have their ups and downs, but when a couple decides to punish each another by stopping all obligatory responsibilities, what does it portray