Life Xtra

Life Xtra

Is it important to keep a diary?

In the past, many people regularly kept personal diaries, where they recorded the day’s events and their observations. With the advance in techn

Does age matter when considering marriage?

Marriages are hitting the rocks these days, as the statistics of separations and divorces continue on the upward trend. These unions fall apart faster

Should you keep tab of what you spend on a spouse?

A lady said this recently concerning her relationship. “My problem is each time we have a misunderstanding, he starts talking about how much he

How would you handle a cheating spouse?

Amu and Ibi (not real names) have been married for 5 years and they were blessed with a set of twins with another pregnancy on the way. Ibi provided e

Are women really their own enemies?

Just few days ago, the international day of the girl child was celebrated. Different speeches were delivered on why the girl child should be given all