Line of Sight

Line of Sight

Charlatanism, pulpit scams and ritual murders

They get younger these days, don’t they, our army of ritual murderers? And we have a lot of them. Killers. Potential killers. They are all out there,

Sixty and four questions on our 64th Independence Day

I know you might be reluctant, but have you reflected upon Independence Day? Have you given thanks for witnessing it? Thanks that you have survived to

The urgent crisis of hope in Nigeria

Recently, I spoke to an old school friend over the phone. He seemed genuinely surprised that I spend as much time as possible in Nigeria and, despite

Knocks and flowers for the Armed Forces

As they have done for decades, the Nigerian Armed Forces have been at the centre of discourse in the country this week. In one week, the military has

We need to talk about our clerics

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the