

IPI urges Egypt to explain journalists’ detentions

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for media freedom, has written to Egypt

Nigerian wins best fact-check journalist in Africa

A Journalist with the International Centre for Investigative reporting (ICIR), Lagos, Chikezie Omeje, has emerged winner of this year’s Africa Fact-ch

Getting away with murder: Somalia tops global media offenders

Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) 2018 Global Impunity Index spotlights countries where journalists are slain and their killers go free Impunity

IPI welcomes Slovak president’s commitment to justice in Kuciak murder

President Andrej Kiska tells International Press Institute (IPI) he is ‘optimistic’ that mastermind will be held to account The International Press In

Khashoggi: Saudi confab boycott shows political threat to economy

A Western boycott of a major business conference in Riyadh beginning on Tuesday suggests rising political risks Saudi Arabia could harm its ambitions