My Perspective

My Perspective

Week of mixed emotions for the military

Last week our military underwent what would be described as a period of tumultuous mixed emotions. They had just endured a day of horror when they ann

Is the Minister of Works all talk no work?

It is a legitimate question that could be on the lips of many a beleaguered traveller on our public highways. The question was also on my lips last we

Who will stop the kidnapping spree?

Of late there has been the usual hand-wringing by those whose duty is to protect us. This is expected as within a space of only a week over 400 person

Watching the emerging chaos

Three incidences of looting occurring in separate locations, recently, had coalesced into a pointer of the coming chaos. I refer to the incidences in

Matters arising from lifting of sanctions on Niger Republic

There were deep sighs of relief when the news went around on Saturday evening of penultimate week that the Economic Community of West African States (