Notes from Atlanta

Notes from Atlanta

Bursting the myth of Buhari’s Boko Haram “success”

A false narrative that several people cherish about the Buhari government is the notion that its singular greatest achievement is its success in conta

Superstitions and the Thieving, Moneyvorous Snake in Benue

A Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) clerk by the name of Philomina Chieshe reportedly told auditors recently that the N36 million realiz

News media’s cultivation of “Fulani herdsmen” hysteria

Journalists like to think they are the mirror of society. In fact, a famousAmerican journalist and authorby the name of Arthur Brisbane (1864-1936) on

How Buhari has lowered the bar of governance

 People who say I am too hard on President Buhari like to point out that I am expecting too much from him and that I haven’t come to terms

Why Dangiwa Umar should be the standard-bearer of the third force

While there is a widening consensus that President Buhari, through his remarkable incompetence and bigotry, is inexorably leading Nigeria to infernal