Odd News

Odd News

Guinness World Records: 106-year-old man becomes oldest skydiver

A Texas man has reclaimed his Guinness World Records title by going skydiving at the age of 106 years and 327 days old. Alfred “Al” Blasch

Rats at police headquarters get ‘high’ on seized marijuana  

New Orleans Police Department officials have said the rats infesting the department’s headquarters are “all high” from eating mariju

Man receives dozens of Amazon packages he didn’t order

A California man, John DeFiore, has received dozens of mysterious Amazon packages at his home for six months. He said the parcel flood began with a si

Man sticks 68 matches in his nose to break Guiness World Record

A Danish man has earned an unusual Guinness World Records title after he managed to stuff 68 matchsticks into his nostrils. Peter von Tangen Buskov, 3

Woman files for divorce, says husband doesn’t bathe daily

A Turkish woman recently has filed a lawsuit against her husband, claiming that he rarely showers, smells of sweat, and brushes his teeth only once or