

The people’s right to know their leaders

The masquerades are heading for the public arena in trickles. We have already entered the election season. Soon, the public arena will be crowded by m

Afflict their conscience

Students of two post primary institutions, Federal Government College, Birnin Yauri, Zamfara State, and Bethel Baptist High School, Kaduna, have been

Dubious and worthless honours for sale

The editors of the Trust titles asked me last week if it was ethical and professional for media organisations to give awards to public officers. They

The dangers of stereotyping

At our meeting of the Northern Media Forum last week, a member told us he was worried about the news media stereotyping the Fulani as being responsibl

Should we needle the president?

Government archives here and elsewhere bulge with reports of commissions, committees and panels set up by governments to get at the facts of matters o