

Fake news and hate speech and the threats to good journalism

Journalism is not strange to peculiar challenges thrown at it by changing societal circumstances which, in themselves, are the challenges of the times

The NBC-DAAR tango

To begin with, the basic facts. On June 6, the National Broadcasting Commission, the regularity agency of the electronic media in the country, announc

The goofs, in spite of computer-aided reporting

The computer has revolutionised everything about journalism from news gathering through writing to editing and the final product in the consumer’s han

The commendations this time

It is the business of a newspaper to get at the facts. Where two or more dispute facts, the newspaper, as neutral observer, must go in there to find t

The goofs this time

In its issue of February 18, 2019, the Daily Trust published a front page story on the violence in Kajuru local government area of Kaduna State. The h