Online Special

Online Special

VIDEO: Buhari departs London

President Muhammadu Buhari is expected to return to the country later today after receiving medical attention in London, the presidency has said. &nbs

#BabaOyoyo: Nigerians celebrate President Buhari”s return

President Muhammadu Buhari has departed London for Nigeria.   The president is set to return after over 100 days in London for medical treatment.

15 teenagers infected with rabies after gang raping donkey

A group of 15 teenagers contracted the rabies virus disease after raping an infected donkey in a rural area in Morocco. The teenagers, aged seven to 1

Zamfara 90% ready for future meningitis outbreak

Zamfara, the worst-hit state in the just-ended outbreak of cerebrospinal meningitis, says it has learnt lessons and is 90% ready to combat a future ou

Yabetchya! Gambling spiking in Nigeria, and young lead rise

 Nearly 4 in 10 people in Nigeria bet or have a relation who does, according to a new survey by NOIPolls. And up to 53% of them bet daily, even t