
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

Credible opposition: What PDP owes self and Nigeria

Reading the proclivities in office by a wide cross-section of leaders of Nigeria’s political parties, the principle seems to be lost that partisan pol

Insecurity and the food crisis in northern Nigeria

Northern Nigeria, once known for its vast agricultural potential, is now gripped by a severe food crisis fueled by escalating insecurity especially in

Live to serve, don’t serve to live

Man, according to the holy Qur’an 51:56, was created to serve his creator, Allah, who says “I have only created Jinns and men to serve Me.” With this

Modi in Ukraine: How India signals a shift in global diplomacy beyond the West

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met in Kyiv on August 23, 2024. During his recent visit to Kyiv, Indian

The imperatives for prudent use of land in the FCC

In order to avoid waste, land plot sizes are supposed to be determined relative to the needs of the allottees. If one’s need can be contained in 500m2