
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

Lessons from democracy in Nigeria

Since returning to democracy, Nigeria has failed to overcome the challenges of development under democratic rule. The sole reason for this lies in the

Is changing the constitution now a priority?

That’s the question on the lips of many compatriots when they watched a group of statesmen under the umbrella of the Patriots visiting President Bola

Seems this Government Listens…

By Joshua Ocheja Sometime last month, I authored an article titled. “Are there modular refineries in Nigeria?” In the article, I advocated for the sal

Minding the Mutating Protest

Most credible English Language Dictionaries provide at least 10 synonyms for the word protest – object, disagree, oppose, complain, disapprove, declar

Dan Bello: A new northern awareness through satire?

From court documents, election result sheets and financial transactions to complex contracts and long budgets, Nigerians often have a hard time interp