
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

It’s time to take African researchers seriously

In the quest for the data and evidence needed to solve Africa’s most complex education problems, one group is routinely left out — the African researc

Nigerian veterans as reserves to combat insecurity

This is to urge the federal government to tap into the wealth of experience of Nigerian veterans to serve as the nation’s military reserves for combat

Niger Delta amnesty as symbol of governance continuity

The establishment of the Presidential Amnesty Programme by President Umaru Yar’Adua was one of the most unique and characteristic consequences of that

China-Nigeria cooperation in the new era

By H.E. CUI Jianchun End March of the year 2023 marks the second anniversary of my credentials to Nigeria. This is a country beloved by me, with splen

Edo 2024: Poll Shows 78% Of Voters Support Zoning 

– Decry state of Roads An Eagle Badger poll of 1,017 registered voters in Edo State has revealed that 78% of voters support zoning and power rot