
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

Mai Mala Buni: My governor at 55

I find it an honour and privilege to write this piece on the birthday of Mai Mala Buni, Yobe State governor, a leader that holds much promise in keepi

Galaxy Backbone’s Shared Services Centre to enhance Nigeria’s digitization drive

The chairman of Tata group, Natarajan Chandrasekaran, is on record as having said that “Going digital is no longer an option, it is the default”. When

Ngige versus ASUU: A pyrrhic victory

Success is intoxicating. It makes people to engage in self-praise like the proverbial lizard. Arrogance of the successful intimidates the failure with

Mai Mala Buni CON: A gentleman governor and quintessential democrat at 55

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them,” William Shakespeare  For those who have been close to, or inte

ABU at 60: Why it is not yet great and what to do about that

If you’d told me in 1992 that by 2022, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) had be financially broke, poorly ranked among its peers, having eroded academic c