
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

COP27: Africa at the Climate Change Summit

By Yunusa Isa  Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt’s resort city will host the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP27) on Climate Change from November 6 –

Tinubu seeks to strangle the North

By Sani Sabo  Giving the backdrop of ‘northern economic exclusion’ in the last eight years of this administration, the North was looking forward to a

Time for INEC to wield the big stick

By Nick Dazang  Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy, when he presided over the United States between 1858-1919, was framed by one mantra: “Speak softl

Africa’s leaders pursue fossil fuels, ignore interests of people and climate crisis

By Mbong Akiy Fokwa Tsafack  Last month, Frans Timmermans, the European Union Commission vice-president and the person in charge of leading its work o

Redesigning naira: Change mantra continues

By Nasiru Aminu The currency redesign policy signals that Nigeria is at the sharpened end of the knife of the Buhari administration. The government is