
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

Celebrating General Ibrahim Attahiru in death

By Samuel Aruwan   “One who is loved, never dies.” – C.S. Lewis Certain people we meet in the course of our lives become so important to our rea

Climate change and Nigeria’s sustainability

By  Kamaluddeen Isa El-Kalash It is an open secret that globally, the human species have continued to struggle towards enhancing their living conditio

As Buhari’s charity begins in Niger

By Tunde Asaju What is wrong in being a magnanimous president? Or put another way, what is wrong in using your executive powers as president to grant

Inflation is not the problem, but the solution

By P. Nandalal Weerasinghe    Yes. That’s right! Inflation is not the problem we have today. In fact, inflation is the perfect solution to our pr

The importance of trusting government – Eugene Enahoro

Given past records it was only to be expected that as 2023 elections campaigns begin in earnest, mudslinging and bending the truth will become the ord