
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right

I remember that Saturday morning, some fifteen years ago, vividly. It was an unusually hot day and I was seated in the nursing school classroom by 7:0

US Politics of “firm containment of Russia” and world peace

By Peter Awele Odor Just after WW2 in 1945, George Marshall declared “globalism”. This means that the US should police the world with military might i

Sexual harassment is not normal

I wanted to write something happy this week because all the bad news coming out of Naija (and the world) has drained me. I am exhausted all the time,

To save our planet we have to speak loudly, act boldly at COP-27

By Christian Lueme Lokotola Over the years, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has promoted global and equitable parti

Nigeria’s next president deserves pity

Expectations are high. Rightly so. 2023 has been roundly described as a make-or-mar year for Nigeria. Citizens seek change. Things have to change. The