
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

Kano’s carousel of careering crises

Imagine a giant boulder inexorably hurtling down the Dala hill in Kano gathering speed as it progresses down the slope towards the settlements down th

Raising the bar for press freedom in Nigeria

On May 3, 2024, the global community commemorated World Press Day (WPD), which provided an opportunity to celebrate the fundamental principles of pres

Parliamentary system: Change mindset not form of government!

The phrase “all men are created equal” is part of the United States of America Declaration of Independence.  It was the reason why the Americans rejec

The invisible chains: Reality of child and forced labour in Nigeria

In May, the National Bureau of Statistics released its 2022 Nigeria Child and Forced Labour Survey report, filled with harrowing statistics. If that r

The challenge of sustainable economic policies

The management of public funds is a common topic in terms of the highest responsibilities managed by the government. It comes as no surprise to most N