
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

USA vs China: Take your pick (3)

How do we match the Americans and Chinese ideas for ideas, tactics for tactics and strategies for strategies as they go head to head in their mutual g

Maina’s hell still greater than pensioners’ heaven

The most striking image of the week in Nigeria has to be that of a clean shaved, pudgy-faced smiling man. A zanna cap of beige and brown threads sat s

How to boost profits from bitcoin investment

The crypto market is rapidly changing and investors must be intelligent and time-conscious to make substantial profits. All cryptocurrencies, includin

Nigeria needs a ‘strong man’ as president

We hear ‘’strong man’’, and the visage of a rotund, bumbling African dictator in Khaki and jackboots comes to mind. But permit me to appropriate the w

Solving food inflation is half way to solving our social crisis

In the US, the inflation rate rose to 4.2 per cent, the highest in over a decade, with the price of staple food such as turkey doubling in a year. It’