
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

To fight poverty, we need more climate action

By Joy Cerrell and Khalifa Al-Kuwari   With COP26 ongoing, much of the global climate discussion focuses on efforts to reduce and curb greenhouse

The metaphor of collapsed buildings

While global leaders fuelled their jets for a conference convened in Glasgow to review how to fly less, our disaster-a-dozen nation continues to gener

Governors as political godfathers

The People Democratic Party’s (PDP) convention that was held in Abuja last week erased any more doubts that, for now and probably the nearest future&#

On planned airports concessioning and question of propriety

Nigeria’s quest towards the Concessioning of four international airports took a leap forward on Monday, October 25, 2021 with the coming to a close

On the rebirth of the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme

My thoughts around the conceptual update of the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GES) are aimed at not only making the scheme more in tune with the