
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

Yes, El-Rufai is right on incompetent workforce

Once again, Governor Nasiru Ahmed El-Rufai of Kaduna State has hit the nail on the head when he recently attributed governance failure to widespread i

Impromptu Speaking Genius #9: P.R.E.P

The most popular impromptu speaking template is the PREP. This stands for stating your Point, Reasons, Evidence or Example and Point again. Let me tak

Necessity of private sector involvement in tackling insecurity

Subject to its wider ramifications, the burden of maintaining security is too cumbersome to be single-handedly handled by a solitary institution in a

Column No.6: A few thoughts from a few readers

As the events on our national landscape continue to charge at us fast and furious, it sometimes requires one to pause and catch a breather, in order t

The devil in our minds

While at boarding school, some twenty-something years ago, there was a particular girl in our dormitory whose stories were very colourful. Throughout