
The latest opinion, comments, discussions and features from Daily Trust.

The price of prestige projects

Even with the dust motes of the Nigeria Air project yet to settle, the Minister of Aviation, Senator Hadi Sirika, has returned with another tale: Nige

NDA attack: An assault too many…

The stream of recriminations against the federal government in the wake of the recent murderous attack at the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) Kaduna, h

Who is behind the NDA invasion?

The invasion of Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) is indeed embarrassing and extremely unsettling. But what is more unsettling is the fact that this high

The dangers of stereotyping

At our meeting of the Northern Media Forum last week, a member told us he was worried about the news media stereotyping the Fulani as being responsibl

If I played a dirge

If I sounded my harp, and played a dirge Would you come to me? If I wept until my eyes were flames of anger And my voice broke like a widow’s hopes Wo