

Suicide bomber kills self, 6 others in Yobe

An underage female suicide bomber detonated a bomb on Saturday killing herself and six others and injuring 32 more people in Damaturu, Yobe state capi

If not for showbiz, I’d have been a farmer

Weekend Magazine: How has it been like being a judge on a mega-popular TV show like Nigerian Idol?Yinka Davies: Challenging and mind-boggling. The flo

Jonathan on secret mission to Mali

Jonathan was on April 8 scheduled to join other African leaders at a summit held in Malabo, the capital of Equatorial Guinea, to discuss the formulati

How South Africans trained Nigerian military to fight Boko Haram

The gains of the Nigerian Army reportedly relied on the support of Private Military Contractors, led by a former South African Lieutenant-Colonel call

That spicy, meaty delicacy called Asun

The golden brown meat is dipped in a spicy sauce that gives it a delectable colour, making it appetizing. Many a customer confesses to salivating befo