

‘Why I rewrote my play into a novel’

Bookshelf: You are a well-known writer who has written many books. What inspired this remarkable achievement?  Dillibe Onyeama: Well, I was inspired i

The next big thing

‘No, I’m just rounding up the supplications. I have finished the  prayer.’ I replied, looking at him.‘Well then supplicate no more, your candidate has

Uru Eke: Leaving tech biz for acting was difficult

Weekend Magazine: Could you share with us what your experience has been like acting for stage and for screen production?Uru Eke: They are both complet

At 85, dad’s still physically active – Asma’u Joda

Weekly Trust: How would you describe your father away from the public eye?Asma’u Joda: He’s a friend, a very nice person, a tough person too. He’s fir

Final days of Sardauna, Abacha – Gidado Idris

Weekly Trust: Congratulations on your 80th birthday. How do you feel about reaching a ripe old age?  Gidado Idris: I really didn’t realise that I was