

Will Boko Haram invite American drones to Nigeria?

“The war against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria may be expanded to include Boko Haram in Nigeria and militant elements in Libya, secretary of defense

I always wanted to meet the president – NYSC award winner

Weekly Trust: You recently received the President’s NYSC award. Could you describe the feeling when you knew you were to be one of the recipients?Mary

‘Why my metal art works are unique’

Weekend Magazine: How did you start making art works from scrap metals?Arueze Ubaka Stephen: I started making works of art out of scraps in my final y

A day with Charles Dickens in the Museum of London

London was in a festive mood those days. The weather was cheerfully balmy, trees and plants have started blossoming promising that spring was in the a

THE LAST GOOD BOOK I READ…Actress Bimbo Akintola: The Tenth Circle By Jodi Picoult

with people and places that are make-believe. And for her, this book is complicated. “I like books with history,” Bimbo Akintola says.What if Akintola