

IPI in Myanmar: The road to press freedom

This year’s World Congress is scheduled to take place in Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) from March 27 to 29. The Southeast Asian country destination is a cou

Social media: Reporters on the move

There are many effects that stem from internet usage and foremost among this is enforcing journalism’s age old ethics of social responsibility, truthf

FoI suits: Court orders councils to disclose budgets

On February 18, 2015, a Federal High Court in Asaba turned the tide against them. It issued an order of mandamus compelling two local government counc

Daily Trust you are partisan

While waiting for their feedback their messages are published below. For us at Media Trust we give forum to all views because we mean it when we say o

Boko Haram pledges allegiance to ISIS

  Insurgent group, Jama’atu ahlisSunna Lidda’awati Waljahad, known as Boko Harma has declared allegiance to the Middle East group, Islamic