

Lenten Message: If You O Lord should mark our guilt, Lord, who would survive? (Ps 130:3)

In 2008, a woman phoned to complain to me that her youngest daughter had decided, out of the blue, to leave the Pentecostal Church to which they had b

Ash Wednesday: A call for true change

“Be the change you want to see in others.” The clamour for change is not new. People are generally bored with permanence and duration. Before Socrates

Understanding your new identity in Christ (1)

At this point we have on record that God had at various times spoken to Jacob. It was not as if God had suddenly developed amnesia to have forgotten J

Philosophy, humanities and the national question in Nigeria (Continuted from last week)

I know this is a critical and sensitive matter. And I stand the risk already of being misinterpreted. I stand the risk of being labelled ‘a sell out.’

2015: PDP, APC and the rest of us

While the ruling party has continued to dominate national politics since then, the emergence of the All Progressives Congress following the merger in