

NBC’s slow approach to digital migration raises concerns

In Nigeria, government and the regulator, National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) appears optimistic that the migration is on course. But given the lev

Th e church of England facing inevitable death?

Former Archbishop Rowan Williams never really addressed the issue as he was more concerned trying to keep the Primates from imploding every time they

Echoes from Taraba

Apart from the pain and suffering many people are going through as a result of the insurgency in many places, a proper awareness of displaced persons

You too can make it

Ruth was a widow with no future; she made it as a result of her choice to follow her mother-in-law Naomi and her God.Esther was an orphan who was rais

2015: Why Nigerians must eschew politics of bitterness

The state governor, Seriake Dickson must be commended for this initiative of bringing the ex-warlords together in an atmosphere of dialogue. It is a d