

…Defining hate or dangerous speech

These two examples do not constitute hate speech because they do not incite to violence and the offence would be limited the individuals to which they

2015 Election: Checking hate/dangerous speech

I attended some of these activities and there were lessons to learn from all of them. One of them had an urgent  message for   the media. It was  the

Stop these reckless and inflamatory statements!!! -CSOs

‘We applaud the signing of an accord by leading candidates in the elections to keep to the code of conduct already signed by all registered political

2015 Elections: Campaign Mudslingers Risk 2-Year Jail Term

The leaders and attack dogs of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC), who slander and assassinate the character o

‘I don’t miss life before becoming Sarkin Zazzau’

Weekly Trust: How would you describe your reign in the last forty years as Emir of Zazzau?In the last forty years, I can say that all my functions and