

‘African prose is more versatile than we think’

No genre of literature has been more dominated by men than crime fiction. So why crime fiction for you?Perhaps to flout convention; I’m short, we all

Mixed Metaphors: It Is Injury Time

Did he praise the military or encourage them?  Check.Did he remember the internally-displaced and promise help to rebuild their homes?  Check.Did he m

Dike put ‘bonus storm’ behind her

Responding to Fever Pitch’ questions via social media, Dike said her famous sister is at school at the moment and is anticipating the senior World Cup

2015: I don’t care where the next president comes from – Ciroma

Malam Adamu Ciroma, 80, has been in politics since 1978. He’s been Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Finance at various times. In 2011, as a membe

Obasanjo’s controversial book surfaces on Amazon

The three volume memoir, in which Obasanjo made uncomplimentary remarks about President Goodluck Jonathan and some key national figures was launched i