

Be intentional with your career progression – Ummahani Ahmad Amin

Ummahani Ahmad Amin is a 47-year-old, Shuwa Arab from Borno State. She is the first of 14 siblings and is the conference chair of The African Internat

Go where you are needed and valued – Hauwa Abbas

My background is in International Relations and Politics.

A reporter’s diary: 3 awful hours in Kagara

His reference reminded me of two of such “risky” assignments. In March, 2014, when the lingering crisis between Tiv farmers and Fulani herders in Benu

Input of Nigerian women ‘significant, but undervalued – Tita Young

The International Women’s Society, founded in 1957 in Lagos is one of the oldest and known bodies empowering the female gender as well as propagating

Jewelry Etiquette: Am I wearing too much?

As a fashionista, you should know that one of the big fashion sins is jewellery overkill. This is why we are going to help you look stunning by enabli