

Minimum wage: Again, Tinubu’s unhelpful ambush Tactics

It does not require the attribute of clairvoyance to appreciate that dust over the minimum wage challenge facing the country, may not settle in a hurr

New minimum wage: Tinubu in knife-edge balancing act

Three days from today is May 1, 2024, a day that is designated globally as the International Workers Day, to commemorate the struggles by labour to ea

PDP: Playing ostrich over Wike’s interloping?

Uneasy calm. That is the state of affairs which trails the recent series of meetings of the top hierarchy of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), prese

New minimum wage: Is labour not looking too high?

The great expectation in labour circles across Nigeria today rests on a simple question: how much shall the new national minimum wage be? Incidentally

Tinubu, Wike clash: A coming attraction

For reasons that often define the courses of different faces of politics in Nigeria, the turn of future outcomes is often easily predictable. In the s