

Budget 2019 and plague of revenue leakages

President Muhamadu Buhari presented the N8.8 trillion 2019 budget to a joint session of the National Assembly last Wednesday, with mixed reactions tra

Electoral bill stalemate: We saw it coming

As the country counts down for the 2019 polls – now a matter of days away, it is no secret that many Nigerians as well as foreigners are worried

Brain: Social memory and aggression

Columbia scientists have identified a brain region that helps tell an animal when to attack an intruder and when to accept it into its home. This brai

Budget 2019: Failed on arrival?

Talking frankly, the last sin which the present administration will elect to be associated with now, is to be seen as lacking in capacity as well as  

Nigeria: Why citizens must rise above leadership, now!

Against the flood of avoidable twists and turns marking the course of the build-up to the 2019 general polls are a complement of unusual outcomes whic