

Time to re-invent the Nigerian legislature

This column will once more call for attention to a feature of national life on which consensus swings towards its reinvention. And that is the Nigeria

National Assembly and impunity driven presidential aides

In the effervescent Nigerian political space, the past week or so witnessed the dominance of two scenarios, which placed the National Assembly –

Baba welcome: But while you were away…

The impact of today’s rapidly changing economic and technological landscape has made government’s task of delivering public service more c

Taking up the Senate on transparency

Recently, some 16 credible civil society organisations addressed the press in Abuja over an issue that has for long been of interest to almost every N

Looters of public funds as new sheriffs in town

Echoes from the National Dialogue on Corruption held last Wednesday at the Presidential Villa under the auspices of the Presidential Advisory Committe