

Muhammad (SAW): A living universal guide

Once again, it’s time to celebrate the birth, in words and in deeds, the greatest personality in human history. Today, the 11th day of Rabi’ul Awwal,

Live to serve, don’t serve to live

Man, according to the holy Qur’an 51:56, was created to serve his creator, Allah, who says “I have only created Jinns and men to serve Me.” With this

Why ‘take-over’ courts’ job?

Because Nigeria is a country where little value is given to human life, one often hears or reads about individuals being killed over trivial issues. W

Food poisoning, NAFDAC, and public health workers

Statistics of persons who died from suspected food poisoning in various states across the country in recent weeks are alarming enough to give Nigerian

Harnessing biogas power for Nigeria’s green energy revolution

In a nation grappling with the dual challenges of waste management and energy scarcity, Nigeria stands at a crossroads. The solution to these pressing