

Lessons and ‘gains’ from COVID-19

With over two hundred thousand cases of covid-19 in the United States of America and over one hundred thousand each in Italy and Spain, Coronavirus di

COVID-19: Wholesale catastrophe

More than three months after the coronavirus disease broke out in the Wuhan district of China in December 2019, the deadly virus has killed over 19,00

Just before Rajab ends

Since the crescent of the seventh month in the Islamic lunar calendar for 1441AH appeared over three weeks ago, it was my plan to write on the signifi

Dimensions of pride

When the human mind is lost to or conquered by falsehood, it is often misled by self-obsessed tendencies to form an exaggerated opinion of itself. Whe

Voice of conscience

We are told in Qur’an 95:4 and 5 that Allah (SWT) indeed “created man in the best of moulds” and gave him the purest nature. By making man His viceger