

The more you search, the less you find

As a universal religion, Islam is devoid of ethnic, racial or pre-eminence sentiments. That which unites Muslims together is belief in the oneness of

Breadths of maturity

Maturity is an English word that could be used to denote several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. While it ordinarily means atta

Time for ethical rebirth

Those things that ordinarily used to be popular cultural traditions among Africans forty years ago have almost become taboos in modern African societi

Human hypocrisy in the dollar factor

Ever since the announcement on May 29, 2023 of the total withdrawal of the subsidy on petroleum products triggered a record-high inflation regime in t

The good, bad, and ugly of the tongue

The tongue is an important organ of the human body that can make or mar an individual’s desire for bliss in the hereafter. Because of its central role