

Some amazing scenarios in Nigeria

About a decade ago, my piece “The greatest wonder” appeared on this page in the Weekly Trust edition of Saturday December 29, 2009. In that piece, I a

Pantami as role model of leadership in Nigeria (II)

Last week’s essay, published in this space focused mostly on Pantami the man-that is, my good knowledge of him, the moral and ethical standards he sta

Islamophobic tragedy in New Zealand

The Muslim world was on Friday March 15, 2019 thrown into grief by the killing of Muslim worshippers in a terrorist attack. At least 50 people were ki

Pantami as role model of leadership in Nigeria (I)

I came across Dr. Isa Ali Ibrahim (who is popularly known by the epithet ‘Pantami’), the current director-general of the National Information Technolo

Sustain, expand fight against corruption

Alhamdu lillah, we give gratitude to God who made it possible for President Muhammadu Buhari to secure a second tenure of another four years in office